Import virtually all GERBER and CAD formats and Outputs to most popular Assembly, AOI, ATE Test & Selective Soldering Equipment. Also outputs to Gencad, Fabmaster, PADS, Mentor Graphics, ipc-d-356, ipc-2581, ipc2581, etc. Availability of the Unisoft in-house translation service may vary.
To start or schedule a meeting
Click Here or email us (enable JavaScript for our email addresscad-to-cad.php) or call us (enable JavaScript for our phone number).
In our meeting, we can follow any direction you prefer, for instance:
-- Talk about your requirements, software inquiries, and other concerns.
-- Software demonstrations & training. We have the option to process one of your PC Boards or demonstrate the software using our own data files.
-- Provide you with a fully functional trial version of the software license.
-- etc.
The trial software has HELP for most menu items by hovering over the menu item for a second then click any of the videos, manual or website links to learn about the software.
Maybe you already have manufacturing software that you use to program production floor equipment, etc but you need a way to convert newer or non supported cad file formats to this software. Unisoft can import virtually any CAD format and export a standard file for import to your existing manufacturing software. Output formats include GENCAD, Fabmaster, ipcd356, ipc-2581, ipc2581, Mentor Graphics, PADS .ASC, etc. For example Unisoft can import virtually any CAD file format and export to Teradyne/Genrad D2B Alchemist or Fabmaster Test Expert software. We can sell you this software for your use or can perform the conversion service for you and return the correct files to you.
Use our in-house Gerber translation service to convert your GERBER files. Raw Gerber data is devoid of most intelligent information used in manufacturing such as referenced designators, pin numbers and x/y locations. Our service quickly translates your Gerber files into an intelligent working database ready for use in manufacturing. Need gerber conversion, gerber to netlist, x/y, etc.? Some projects require multiple PCB's, restrictions may apply. Contact Unisoft for details or fill in the GERBER TRANSLATION SERVICE FORM below.
Do you have special problems such as gerber translation? For example: You do not have the native CAD files for your project. You only have the raw Gerber Files and a BOM (Bill Of Materials). You need to program production equipment such as Automatic Assembly Equipment, AOI Inspection Equipment or ATE Test Equipment (Fly Probe, In-Circuit or MDA) and you do not know where to turn then our software can do it for you it can translate your raw Gerber files and BOM files into real reference designators, theta rotation, part numbers, X/Y component pin geometries, values, tolerances, etc. This data is then used by Process Engineers, Test Engineers and others. Process Engineers use the data to program their SMT, Thru-hole Automatic Assembly, AOI Inspection Equipment and create process assembly instruction documents, etc. Test Engineers use the data to program their ATE (Genrad ".ckt", Teradyne "ipl", Hewlett Packard "board & board x/y"), MDA, and flying probe test equipment (Takaya, etc.) and design the "Bed of Nails" test fixtures. Of course the software also imports virtually all standard native CAD file types too!
If you are at that point a possible next step in your evaluation is an online demonstration. For questions or to schedule a demonstration, call us (enable JavaScript for our phone number) or email us (enable JavaScript for our email address).
IMPORTING CAD FILES: A list and samples of the CAD file formats Unisoft imports are on our Importing CAD Files page.
Sample Assembly machine setup file used by process engineers:
IC4 360-0834 90 1.575 1.475 R24 111-0122 270 2.750 3.200 R26 111-0103 270 2.250 3.200
Generic Output has every component pin and is used by test engineers to setup their test equipment:
1 net1 C1.1 X -4.800 Y 0.320 Top Smd 2 net2 C1.2 X -4.800 Y 0.180 Top Smd 1 net1 C10.1 X -5.125 Y 0.720 Bottom Smd 3 net3 C10.2 X -5.125 Y 0.580 Bottom Smd
In addition to the export outputs above we can translate from raw Gerber file formats such as IPC-D-356 / IPC-2581 / ipc2581 for Takaya Flying Probe ATE, GenCAD, FabMaster FATF, and others.
When we build a netlist and x/y data files from Gerber data we verify connections on each layer to ensure proper connectivity. This insures that we catch any netlist errors. We also verify that the export process correctly interprets these netlist and x/y locations.
As a bonus the Gerber conversion is compatible with our ProntoVIEW-MARKUP software and all other Unisoft OneFACTORY modules. With ProntoVIEW-MARKUP you can display the PC Board assembly and actively search components, pins, etc. Click here for more ProntoVIEW-MARKUP information.
Customer Comment
Below are comments from a Unisoft client for a CAD Translation project Unisoft completed for them. The customer is Jim Wasilewski Test Manager at MPI in Connecticut. MPI is a medium size contract manufacturer. Jim had two PC Boards with only the raw Gerber files available and needed to create full netlists, X/Y component and pin information, traces, etc. to program their Takaya Flying Probe Test Equipment to test the PC Boards.
Jim Wasilewski