Related information:
    Quoting by span: Assembly Cost or Time by Component Count Span Report for Quoting
    Quoting/quality from solder joints: Solder Joint Count Report. Defect Per Million Operations (DPMO)
    Quoting from gerbers: Quoting Using Only Gerber Files
    Cycle Times

Assembly or Parts Cost or Time by Part Number Report for Quoting

Instantly create an Assembly or Parts cost report. This report is used by Contract and OEM manufacturers to quickly estimate Assembly or component parts costs. The report contains the total Assembly or component parts cost for the PC Board and breakdown by part number.


Report type: Parts count with quotation and cost estimation.

PC Board: Controller
Date: 1-12-2013
Total parts cost = $43.31
381200-40-1 1 $0.23 $0.23
381212-44-1 4 $0.07 $0.28
385848-05-6 32 $0.45 $14.40
386754-99-4 1 $0.16 $0.16
389148-06-7 1 $0.06 $0.06
390579-03-3 1 $0.80 $0.80
390607-01-0 1 $0.65 $0.65
391727-10-9 16 $0.04 $0.56
391727-12-5 16 $0.04 $0.64

Using the Unisoft software there's two ways to get your assembly costs. One way is by using the Assembly or Parts Cost by Part Number Report detailed here or by using the Assembly Cost by Component Span Report. In some cases using this Assembly or Parts Cost by Part Number Report detail here maybe a better method as you can apply individual assembly costs against each part number as you desire. The Assembly Cost by Component Span Report uses the span of the component pins to group components together to determine the assembly cost. To find out more about this alternate method click the following link: Assembly Cost by Component Span Report for Quoting templates menu.

CREATING THE ASSEMBLY OR PARTS COST BY PART NUMBER REPORT: The Assembly or Parts Cost by Part Number Report uses the part numbers to group together components to determine the assembly cost. To use the Assembly or Parts Cost by Part Number Report method you need to create a simple text file Library (.OPR) file with a minimum of two elements per line: 1) The part number. 2) The cost you want to apply the that part number.

You can have as many Library (.OPR) files as you desire. For example you can have one large Library (.OPR) file with as many Part Numbers in it as you wish or if you're a contract manufacturer one for each customer you may have.

Example of a .OPR File:

381200-40       HAND INSERT - DIODE                              0.25
382300-10       AUTO INSERT - Mydata / Mycronic                  0.125
391727-10       JUKI - 8000 placements/hr at $125/hr             0.015625

Where the part number is in the first field followed by a TAB then the second field is the text instruction field (Example: HAND INSERT SOCKET PRE-WAVE) and this field is optional and can be left blank. Next is another TAB and then the third field is the rate cost field and this field can represent either money or time (note these numbers do not have to just represent money they can represent time that can then be applied towards a rate at an individual manufacturing station on the production floor.). So a 1.00 in that field can represent $1.00 US or 1.00 Peso or 1.00 minute. You can also use additional decimals in the rate cost field so for example if you put 0.0125 then for US currency it will calculate fractional pennies of $0.0125 per component within that part number.

Also the rate cost field can be the actual cost of the component in which case the report generated will represent the total parts cost for the PCB assembly ( PCBA ) and not the assembly cost.

A sample of a .OPR file is located on your PC in the directory c:\program files\unisoft under the file name sample.opr.

After you have edited the .OPR file with the part numbers and cost, open the desired PC Board with the Unisoft software. Next click EDIT then BOM then IMPORT LIBRARY (.OPR) and a new window will appear. In the window point to and select the .OPR file you have created and then click OPEN. Next to generate the Assembly or Parts Cost by Part Number Report click QUOTE/QUALITY from the Main then click PARTS COST and the report appears.

Note that to get the Assembly or Parts Cost by Part Number Report you don't have to have the actual CAD or Gerber files imported into the Unisoft software you can import only the BOM and then import the Library (.OPR) file and then create your assembly costs report from the Unisoft software. However we do not recommend this method of only importing the BOM file because you will not get the cross-checking necessary to determine the "Do Not Install's" or any other item that may be wrong in the BOM before you generate the Assembly Cost by Part Number Report.

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Web Consulting by Dorene Matney
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