Further Information on Unisoft Software Features and Enhancements:

NOTE: All Unisoft Pronto software modules with a current license have the basic features of ProntoVIEW-MARKUP and with an up to date license contract you can utilize any of the following features. Please contact Unisoft for free training on how to use these features.

We have added and enhanced importing support to translate the latest CAD and BOM systems such as ODB++, GenCAM/A3P, Gencad, Gerber, Fabmaster, Orcad, Allegro, Mentor Graphics, PADS, PCAD, Protel and many other CAD systems.

Many new machine outputs have been added. Also existing Assembly, AOI Inspection, ATE TEST, selective Soldering, etc. software modules have been enhanced to better program this equipment. Enhancements have been added to make it easier to create assembly process documents, kitting labels, First Article Inspection, etc.

Included viewer Software:

Also with a current license your plant is licensed to distribute the included Viewer software to anyone in your plant or to your vendor and customers (see below for details). To let anyone view your PC Board simply give the person the MARKUP.EXE file found in the c:\program files\unisoft directory and the .F2B Unisoft PC Board file saved from the Unisoft software. Or they can download the full software with the manuals, etc. free of charge and just send them the .F2B PC Board file you wish them to view.

A list of the CAD files formats we import are on our Importers page.

included viewer SOFTWARE: ProntoVIEW-MARKUP outputs a single file that is compatible with the royalty included viewer software. Customers are licensed to distribute the VIEWER software and your single board file to your production floor, vendors, customers, etc to aid assembly, repair/rework, technician debug, for better communications, etc. No need to purchase additional licenses. The included viewer assists technician troubleshooting, supports repair personnel, enhances communications internally and with outside vendors. Our customers typically put the VIEWER and the board files for each of their PCB assembly ( PCBA ) on their network so that it can be accessed by everyone to improve productivity. The VIEWER can be used anywhere by licensed customers with a current subscription maintenance and support contract.

To let anyone view your PC Board simply give the person the MARKUP.EXE file found in the c:\program files(x86)\unisoft directory and the .F2B Unisoft PC Board file saved from the Unisoft software. Or they can download the full software with the manuals, etc. free of charge and just send them the .F2B PC Board file you wish them to view.

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Web Consulting by Dorene Matney
© 2025, Unisoft